I'm considering doing a whole series of these. Maybe I'll call it "Teddy Bears on the Fringes of Society." Or something to that affect. Just imagine teddy bears stabbing each other outside of night clubs, having sex with each other in public bathrooms, and cooking Crystal Meth in their trailers. Lately I've just been obsessed with subverting the image of the teddy bear. Its this amazing piece of Americana that no one really questions. To me its already a perverse icon; I mean think about it, we take an apex predator, an animal that's be known to eat humans alive, and we make plush versions of them for our children to play with. So I'm just taking it one step further. I'm just making the perversion a little more obvious.
As far as the actual illustrations go, I'm still unsure. I think the two I've done so far are a little plain. It seems like they need to be more stylized - I want them to be really eye catching. Maybe colored pencil? Maybe watercolor? I don't know. I feel like I really need to challenge myself this year, and since drawing (both freehand and computer aided) has never been something that I've been particularly good at, thats what I want to focus on. I really want to be able to draw better.
And if these go as well as I want them to I want to make a book. Maybe 20-30 illustrations; part children's book, part coffee table book, a little humorous, a lot perverse. I'm thinking 8x10 hardback. I've been looking into it a little. It's not cheap to have books made.
in a weird way, reminds me of pedobear.org
yes tilt shift photography! iw as gonna do an entry on this...i wanna try it out SOO BADDD
now that you have the bear in vector graphics you might want to play with scales with that - giant or tiny? Or a few vs. a big army of them? Check out Blu's work: http://www.worldwidewall.org/blu/?p=112
you should do this to a bear
something to that EFFECT.
I'm just sayin...
; )
I found something this weekend that reminded me of your latest works... I will try to remember to bring it.
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