Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Benny" The Anatomical Teddy®

From American 3B Scientific

The teddy contains especially finely crafted removable organs some of which can be fastened with a Velcro strip. This gives the patient a better understanding of their own body.
Some of the organs in and on the teddy are provided with a Velcro strip: Ears with auditory canals, 2 tonsils, windpipe, heart, lung, liver, gall bladder, spleen, digestive system with oesophagus; stomach, bowels, appendix, anus, pancreas, urinary system; kidney, ureter, refillable bladder, urethra with an exit for catherisation or bladder x-ray.
  • The zipper on the stomach can be opened from the top or bottom and simulates an operation of the abdomen and chest
  • The bones of the legs and arms can be demonstrated by opening the zippers
  • Spine, chest and ribs are palpable
  • Artificial blood (in the form of fruit tea) can be put into 2 tubes in the arm and hand andwithdrawn with a cannula
Benny is washable and his fur is made of a flame retardant polyester fiber which gives him an extra soft and fluffy touch.
He is used mainly in doctors’ offices, hospitals, schools, kindergartens etc.

All this can be yours if the price is right. And the right price is a mere $229.

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