Friday, October 3, 2008

Required Blog Entery for Contemporary Design #2. Today's Topic: What the hell am I going to do this year??

I have 9 months to work on a personal project.

Nine months.

That makes me nervous.

I don't really have a good idea of what I'm going to do. I do know this though; it needs to be epic. I want my project to be interactive somehow. I want people to feel compelled to respond to it, and I want it to challenge how they perceive things. I want it to be more than just an art project; I want it to be a social experiment.

Up til this point most of my work has involved making pretty pictures, printing them, and hanging them on a wall; then people come and look at them and say "hmmm, interesting," or "oh, that's nice." There is definitely a time and place for work like that, but if I'm given nine months to work on a project then I guess I had better come up with something a hell of a lot more interesting than just pretty pictures on a wall.

I can definitely see this project having tentacles going all over the place; maybe a printed component, maybe a video component, maybe a web-based component, maybe even an "event" component. Now I just need a really good idea to work around. An inspired seed of brilliance that everything else can sprout from.

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