Giraffes are just beautifully awkward animals. Their construction is so alien, but somehow so perfect. If I were an animal I think I would be a giraffe. Maybe I would be more qualified to make that statement if I were taller. But personality-wise I think I'm more like a duck: very unassuming, under the radar, and good in water. Actually that last bit is a lie - I'm not a strong swimmer at all.

But back to giraffes; how cool are they? The males are like 3000 pounds and stand 19 feet tall!! ( Being 19 feet tall is pretty much the next best thing to being able to fly. It would be like being able to fly at a really low altitude, but you don't have to worry about crashing. On the downside though you have to worry about being eaten alive by hyennas and big cats and what have you.
In conclusion, giraffes kick ass.
In other news: spent a month traveling Europe, moved to Portland, started my BFA year in Portland.
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