My internship is pretty cool. I've mostly been editing product shots (stuff for Nike, DaKine, Logitech, etc), which is fun for a while but by the time you get to work making a clipping path for your 10th fuzzy beany it gets old. But today I got to hike around the neighborhood dropping off postcards for their next show (Pushdot is a gallery as well as a digital print studio), so that was fun. Then the bossman took me on a little field trip to one of product photography studios that they work with, and this place was cool as hell -- lighting equipment everywhere, flashes going off, stylers working on products so they look pretty, people running around all over the place. They even have a full kitchen so they can cook food there, that way its still steaming and fresh when they take photos of it. It was what I imagine a Hollywood set would be like, except instead of actors its cans of soda and backpacks and cheese.
...I wonder if it would be inappropriate if I asked my boss to hook me up with an internship there for next term?
But in the mean time its definitely cool to know that stuff I've worked on is going to be in catalogs and on packaging (keep an eye out for the new Eric Clapton Guitar Hero guitar for the Wii with a little of my handiwork on the box!)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I Don't Like Karim Rashid's Kite Chair
...Mostly because I can't find much information about it. I haven't even figured out why "kite" is in its title. But I do know that it has a hole in the bottom of the seat, to drain water, so you can use it as a patio chair...or in case you wet yourself and don't want to stand up. Either way, drain hole = good.
Also, here is an idea that I'm working on the studio vinyl. I can't draw very well but you get the gist. This would take a lot of work (mostly because even with Illustrator's help I still can't draw very well) but I like it better than my last idea.
Also, here is an idea that I'm working on the studio vinyl. I can't draw very well but you get the gist. This would take a lot of work (mostly because even with Illustrator's help I still can't draw very well) but I like it better than my last idea.

contemporary design class
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Funniest Mindless Drivel I've Seen so Far Today
Crazy Japanese people + chimpanzee in overalls + Segway scooter = whimsical entertainment
Required Blog Entery for Contemporary Design #6. Today's Topic: An End to These Absurdly Long Titles!!
I think this "painfully long blog title" joke has played itself out. In fact I'm starting to think that no one besides me thought it was funny anyway. Or maybe its just that no one reads this thing, except for Zara. Hi Zara!
Anywho, I'm starting to think that I use the word "anywho" too much. That and "whathaveyou." And apparently, at least according to Blogger's spell check, they aren't even real words.
In other news, here is some fun stuff I found just laying around the internet; barely even being used...
SO I STOLE IT! Fair and square.
Anywho, I'm starting to think that I use the word "anywho" too much. That and "whathaveyou." And apparently, at least according to Blogger's spell check, they aren't even real words.
In other news, here is some fun stuff I found just laying around the internet; barely even being used...
SO I STOLE IT! Fair and square.
Planter will find the sun for its plants
This chair-like robot consists of a planter with robotic legs and some circuitry to detect sunlight levels in the room. When the robot finds the brightest spot it scurries on its legs over in that direction in order to give the plant the most exposure. This reminds us a bit of the "Photosynthesis Robot" by FutureFarmers, although this one would probably be a more manic version of the project.
Ghostpatrol: pencils as canvas
Pencils: they’re not just for drawings with anymore. Australian street artist Ghostpatrol has created several pieces using pencils themselves as the canvas for his work.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Missing My Girl...

I really miss my dog. Its killing me. I miss her hyperactive ball chasing. I miss the way she freaks out when I make squealing noises. I miss the way she keeps my feet warm at night.
I haven't been able to see her in almost 2 months because of my trip to Europe and now I'm busy with my internship and school. My parents have been taking care of her for me but they live more than 3 hours away, so even visiting is impractical at the moment. I'm really hoping that I will be able to get into a new place, one that allows dogs, within the next couple weeks. But in the mean time I'm a lot lonelier than usual.
In other news, I just spent about an hour messing with the settings of this blog and all I managed to accomplish was adding a picture to the header. Magnificent use of your time Travis.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Required Blog Entery for Contemporary Design #5. Today's Topic: New Ideas
My second blog of the day! This is a first.
I've had some ideas for projects the past few days that I thought I would share. PLEASE shoot me some feedback if you have time (all 1 or 2 of you who actually read this). That would be much appreciated. Let me know if you think any of these ideas are worth pursuing.
1) A 3-D Sculpture: With Nate talking about making 3-D images the other day I had the idea of making a 3-D image IN three dimensions! So for example, 2 human forms, one red, one green, overlapping each other. Maybe made out of wire? Or wood? Like real life....but better...because its in 3-D. Maybe this one is silly, but amusing nonetheless.
2) Desk Drawer Zen Garden: Once again this one is more just for laughs, but it could also be marketed as a real item. I've seen deskTOP zen gardens, but this would be designed as a kit to take up a drawer in your desk. So when you are feeling stressed out you open the drawer, rake the sand, arrange the rocks, et cetera, in order to relax yourself. But then when the boss comes around you can just close the drawer, thus maintaining a certain level of professionalism and keeping your desktop open for various other important projects. There could even be a fake bonsai tree that pops up and down as the drawer opens and closes.
3) Flag Creature: This would involve taking the elements of the U.S. flag (stars, bars, blue rectangle) and constructing an anthropomorphic 3-D sculpture out of them. I was thinking wood would probably be the best medium for this, but metal might work too. What I'm curious about here is how people will react to such a creature. Will they see it as a flag? Will they only see it as a creature? Will they be offended somehow? The creature will share characteristics with our flag, but at no point will it ever be a flag, thus protecting me from that pesky U.S. flag code. This piece also fits into my theme of fragmentation (see previous blog entry).
4) Obselete Technology Art Show: Nothing is more sad, and worthless that a peice of technology that has been rendered obselete. Companies spend years, and millions of dollars developing the newest and fastest gizmo. Then people spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on said gizmo, love it like their 1st born, then toss it in the trash when a newer gizmo is released. You all know what I'm talking about: the Apple IIe, the Motorola "Brick" cell phone, Betamax players, and so on. So what if I (or we) were to take these items and give them new life. We could use an old monitor as a canvas and paint it. We could take an old 1-megapixel camera and have it bronzed and mounted. We could even strap a bunch of old cellphones together and use their combined screens as a makeshift reading lamp. Just a thought.
5) Ugly Body Parts Installation: And for those of you who didn't read my last post....
This idea came to me last night while I was trying to fall asleep: What if I were to take close-up photographs of the parts of my body that I'm insecure about, print them really large scale, and assemble them into a pseudo human shape. So a series of prints with my hair line and teeth at the top, my belly in the middle, my knees more towards the bottom, etc. This would make me really uncomfortable. And I can imagine it would make other people a little uncomfortable as well. But the idea is that it would force people (including myself) to look at these body parts in a different way. It would force me to get over the fact that I have knobby knees. Because who really cares? We all have knees, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has knobby knees, but that is something that we all avoid talking about, thinking about, or even looking at.
I've had some ideas for projects the past few days that I thought I would share. PLEASE shoot me some feedback if you have time (all 1 or 2 of you who actually read this). That would be much appreciated. Let me know if you think any of these ideas are worth pursuing.
1) A 3-D Sculpture: With Nate talking about making 3-D images the other day I had the idea of making a 3-D image IN three dimensions! So for example, 2 human forms, one red, one green, overlapping each other. Maybe made out of wire? Or wood? Like real life....but better...because its in 3-D. Maybe this one is silly, but amusing nonetheless.
2) Desk Drawer Zen Garden: Once again this one is more just for laughs, but it could also be marketed as a real item. I've seen deskTOP zen gardens, but this would be designed as a kit to take up a drawer in your desk. So when you are feeling stressed out you open the drawer, rake the sand, arrange the rocks, et cetera, in order to relax yourself. But then when the boss comes around you can just close the drawer, thus maintaining a certain level of professionalism and keeping your desktop open for various other important projects. There could even be a fake bonsai tree that pops up and down as the drawer opens and closes.
3) Flag Creature: This would involve taking the elements of the U.S. flag (stars, bars, blue rectangle) and constructing an anthropomorphic 3-D sculpture out of them. I was thinking wood would probably be the best medium for this, but metal might work too. What I'm curious about here is how people will react to such a creature. Will they see it as a flag? Will they only see it as a creature? Will they be offended somehow? The creature will share characteristics with our flag, but at no point will it ever be a flag, thus protecting me from that pesky U.S. flag code. This piece also fits into my theme of fragmentation (see previous blog entry).
4) Obselete Technology Art Show: Nothing is more sad, and worthless that a peice of technology that has been rendered obselete. Companies spend years, and millions of dollars developing the newest and fastest gizmo. Then people spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on said gizmo, love it like their 1st born, then toss it in the trash when a newer gizmo is released. You all know what I'm talking about: the Apple IIe, the Motorola "Brick" cell phone, Betamax players, and so on. So what if I (or we) were to take these items and give them new life. We could use an old monitor as a canvas and paint it. We could take an old 1-megapixel camera and have it bronzed and mounted. We could even strap a bunch of old cellphones together and use their combined screens as a makeshift reading lamp. Just a thought.
5) Ugly Body Parts Installation: And for those of you who didn't read my last post....
This idea came to me last night while I was trying to fall asleep: What if I were to take close-up photographs of the parts of my body that I'm insecure about, print them really large scale, and assemble them into a pseudo human shape. So a series of prints with my hair line and teeth at the top, my belly in the middle, my knees more towards the bottom, etc. This would make me really uncomfortable. And I can imagine it would make other people a little uncomfortable as well. But the idea is that it would force people (including myself) to look at these body parts in a different way. It would force me to get over the fact that I have knobby knees. Because who really cares? We all have knees, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has knobby knees, but that is something that we all avoid talking about, thinking about, or even looking at.
Required Blog Entery for Contemporary Design #4. Today's Topic: Fragmentation
I'm really hung up on is this idea of "fragmentation." Basically I really like to take things apart, both literally and figuratively, see how they work, and how they were put together. Then, at least in some cases, put them back together in a different fashion to see how people react.
If that doesn't make sense here is a definition of fragmentation that I like:
I think that the work that I do this year should be centered around this theme.
For example (this idea came to me last night while I was trying to fall asleep) what if I were to take close-up photographs of the parts of my body that I'm insecure about, print them really large scale, and assemble them into a pseudo human shape. So a series of prints with my hair line and teeth at the top, my belly in the middle, my knees more towards the bottom, etc. This would make me really uncomfortable. And I can imagine it would make other people a little uncomfortable as well. But the idea is that it would force people (including myself) to look at these body parts in a different way. It would force me to get over the fact that I have knobby knees. Because who really cares? We all have knees, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has knobby knees, but that is something that we all avoid talking about, thinking about, or even looking at.
So anywho, that's one example. Maybe not the best one. But I think I'm sticking with this concept of fragmentation, in one form or another. And I'm sure I'm not the first one to be interested in this subject but I will definitely put my own spin on it.
If that doesn't make sense here is a definition of fragmentation that I like:
2. | the disintegration, collapse, or breakdown of norms of thought, behavior, or social relationship. ( |
I think that the work that I do this year should be centered around this theme.
For example (this idea came to me last night while I was trying to fall asleep) what if I were to take close-up photographs of the parts of my body that I'm insecure about, print them really large scale, and assemble them into a pseudo human shape. So a series of prints with my hair line and teeth at the top, my belly in the middle, my knees more towards the bottom, etc. This would make me really uncomfortable. And I can imagine it would make other people a little uncomfortable as well. But the idea is that it would force people (including myself) to look at these body parts in a different way. It would force me to get over the fact that I have knobby knees. Because who really cares? We all have knees, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has knobby knees, but that is something that we all avoid talking about, thinking about, or even looking at.
So anywho, that's one example. Maybe not the best one. But I think I'm sticking with this concept of fragmentation, in one form or another. And I'm sure I'm not the first one to be interested in this subject but I will definitely put my own spin on it.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Required Blog Entery for Contemporary Design #3. Today's Topic: Andrea Zittel
Andrea Zittel. That was a pretty inspiring lecture. At least I thought it was. Its good to see someone who acts on ideas when they come, now matter how unusual they might seem. I wish I was better at that.
I especially liked her "Vacation from Time" experiment where she secluded herself in a basement studio for a week, without any contact with the outside world, or a way to know what time it was. I've always wondered what something like that would be like. How would I occupy my time? How long would it take before I started to lose my sense of reality? Could I handle being away from my precious computer for that long?
I really liked the floating island/house boat thing too. Basically its a boat that has vegetation growing on top. Brilliant.

Also, check this out. Ramen noodle art. Unrelated but super sweet.
I especially liked her "Vacation from Time" experiment where she secluded herself in a basement studio for a week, without any contact with the outside world, or a way to know what time it was. I've always wondered what something like that would be like. How would I occupy my time? How long would it take before I started to lose my sense of reality? Could I handle being away from my precious computer for that long?
I really liked the floating island/house boat thing too. Basically its a boat that has vegetation growing on top. Brilliant.

Also, check this out. Ramen noodle art. Unrelated but super sweet.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Required Blog Entery for Contemporary Design #2. Today's Topic: What the hell am I going to do this year??
I have 9 months to work on a personal project.
Nine months.
That makes me nervous.
I don't really have a good idea of what I'm going to do. I do know this though; it needs to be epic. I want my project to be interactive somehow. I want people to feel compelled to respond to it, and I want it to challenge how they perceive things. I want it to be more than just an art project; I want it to be a social experiment.
Up til this point most of my work has involved making pretty pictures, printing them, and hanging them on a wall; then people come and look at them and say "hmmm, interesting," or "oh, that's nice." There is definitely a time and place for work like that, but if I'm given nine months to work on a project then I guess I had better come up with something a hell of a lot more interesting than just pretty pictures on a wall.
I can definitely see this project having tentacles going all over the place; maybe a printed component, maybe a video component, maybe a web-based component, maybe even an "event" component. Now I just need a really good idea to work around. An inspired seed of brilliance that everything else can sprout from.
Nine months.
That makes me nervous.
I don't really have a good idea of what I'm going to do. I do know this though; it needs to be epic. I want my project to be interactive somehow. I want people to feel compelled to respond to it, and I want it to challenge how they perceive things. I want it to be more than just an art project; I want it to be a social experiment.
Up til this point most of my work has involved making pretty pictures, printing them, and hanging them on a wall; then people come and look at them and say "hmmm, interesting," or "oh, that's nice." There is definitely a time and place for work like that, but if I'm given nine months to work on a project then I guess I had better come up with something a hell of a lot more interesting than just pretty pictures on a wall.
I can definitely see this project having tentacles going all over the place; maybe a printed component, maybe a video component, maybe a web-based component, maybe even an "event" component. Now I just need a really good idea to work around. An inspired seed of brilliance that everything else can sprout from.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Required Blog Entery for Contemporary Design #1. Today's Topic: Giraffes
I love giraffes. I don't know what it is about them. Maybe its their coloration that interests me...or or the idea of food traveling down their fantastically long necks. I wonder how long it takes for food to get from point A to point B in a giraffe? And when I say "point A" I mean the completion of mastication, and when I say "point B" I mean the entry of nutrients into the stomach. I think it would be interesting to x-ray a giraffe as it eats. Its probably been done before though. I should look into that.
Giraffes are just beautifully awkward animals. Their construction is so alien, but somehow so perfect. If I were an animal I think I would be a giraffe. Maybe I would be more qualified to make that statement if I were taller. But personality-wise I think I'm more like a duck: very unassuming, under the radar, and good in water. Actually that last bit is a lie - I'm not a strong swimmer at all.

But back to giraffes; how cool are they? The males are like 3000 pounds and stand 19 feet tall!! ( Being 19 feet tall is pretty much the next best thing to being able to fly. It would be like being able to fly at a really low altitude, but you don't have to worry about crashing. On the downside though you have to worry about being eaten alive by hyennas and big cats and what have you.
In conclusion, giraffes kick ass.
In other news: spent a month traveling Europe, moved to Portland, started my BFA year in Portland.
Giraffes are just beautifully awkward animals. Their construction is so alien, but somehow so perfect. If I were an animal I think I would be a giraffe. Maybe I would be more qualified to make that statement if I were taller. But personality-wise I think I'm more like a duck: very unassuming, under the radar, and good in water. Actually that last bit is a lie - I'm not a strong swimmer at all.

But back to giraffes; how cool are they? The males are like 3000 pounds and stand 19 feet tall!! ( Being 19 feet tall is pretty much the next best thing to being able to fly. It would be like being able to fly at a really low altitude, but you don't have to worry about crashing. On the downside though you have to worry about being eaten alive by hyennas and big cats and what have you.
In conclusion, giraffes kick ass.
In other news: spent a month traveling Europe, moved to Portland, started my BFA year in Portland.
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