That places is evil. The whole time I kept looking at things and thinking to myself, "f*** me that's do I not already own one of those? And what's this? It's only $9.99?! I would be a fool to not buy it!" Then I would carry that object around the store for a while until I realized that I really DON'T need a stainless steel wall-mounted wine rack. I mean when have I ever let a bottle of wine sit around long enough that storage was even a consideration? But then again, maybe if I had a sweet stainless steel rack to put it in I would be more inclined to have more than one bottle in the house at a time? God damn though, that thing was classy as f***.
I ended up leaving it in the check out line.
There were several other things that thought I needed but eventually came to my senses on (like a 11 quart stock pot...might still get that one, again only $9.99). But I did fail on several items. I ended up leaving the store with a new work lamp for my desk (which was what I was originally there for) and a sweet molded plastic, lime green office chair (only $19.99!). I'm such a terribly compulsive shopper.
I'm thinking about going back tomorrow and getting that stock pot and some meatballs. Fucking IKEA. Here I am broke as hell, living mostly off of Top Ramen and instant hot chocolate, and you have to come in and convince me that my home furnishings aren't nearly Swedish enough.

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