Monday, December 1, 2008

Working Artist Statement

So I've been working on my artist statement, but I don't really know how specific to get because I don't really know where my work is going....or what all I'm going to show on Friday.

But any way, here is what I have so far...

Fragmentation of the Familiar

My recent work centers around a fascination with deconstructing familiar objects, analyzing their components, and then reassembling them in ways that seem more attractive to me. Our culture is filled with objects, ideas and processes that are accepted as normal with little to no scrutiny from the masses. My question is why? Why is it acceptable to eat a food that is made entirely of sugar, artificial flavors, and coloring? Why is it acceptable to humanize an apex predator in the form of a plush toy and give it to our children? With my current projects I’m asking these questions by recomposing artifacts of popular culture and contrasting them to their original counterparts. My hope is that these investigations into the “normal” will spark new and interesting avenues of discussion that would have otherwise been left veiled by the cumbersome shackles of the status quo.

2. the disintegration, collapse, or breakdown of norms of thought, behavior, or social relationship. (

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