Friday, October 17, 2008

Required Blog Entery for Contemporary Design #4. Today's Topic: Fragmentation

I'm really hung up on is this idea of "fragmentation." Basically I really like to take things apart, both literally and figuratively, see how they work, and how they were put together. Then, at least in some cases, put them back together in a different fashion to see how people react.

If that doesn't make sense here is a definition of fragmentation that I like:

2.the disintegration, collapse, or breakdown of norms of thought, behavior, or social relationship. (

I think that the work that I do this year should be centered around this theme.

For example (this idea came to me last night while I was trying to fall asleep) what if I were to take close-up photographs of the parts of my body that I'm insecure about, print them really large scale, and assemble them into a pseudo human shape. So a series of prints with my hair line and teeth at the top, my belly in the middle, my knees more towards the bottom, etc. This would make me really uncomfortable. And I can imagine it would make other people a little uncomfortable as well. But the idea is that it would force people (including myself) to look at these body parts in a different way. It would force me to get over the fact that I have knobby knees. Because who really cares? We all have knees, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has knobby knees, but that is something that we all avoid talking about, thinking about, or even looking at.

So anywho, that's one example. Maybe not the best one. But I think I'm sticking with this concept of fragmentation, in one form or another. And I'm sure I'm not the first one to be interested in this subject but I will definitely put my own spin on it.


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