Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So Awesome

Jan Vormann: Lego Dispatch Work - Berlin

Wounds on buildings, in Berlin, caused by Soviet bullets, repaired with Legos. This makes me so, so happy. I wish I would have thought of it first.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Really? .....really??

This is the cover of the latest REI catalog.

And this is a close up of the bush behind this lovely family's tent. Does anyone else see anything wrong with this bush? Hey REI, I need a job, and I bet I can cut out bushes better than your current bush-cutter-outer guy.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


How's this for the coolest color combination ever?

New Stuff

The last one looks eerily like Christ on the cross huh? That was not my intention but now that's all I can see. I was planning on cutting the ends of those dowels off so that they are flush with the heads, but maybe I won't.